Coming to a centre near you!

Word has reached us of a deadly cult which operates out of its headquarters in Desolation City. Converts to this cult -- mostly illiterate savages -- fall victim to a whole range of cruel and torturous rituals designed to make life fearful and miserable for everyone. For example, on suspicion of pre-marital sex fathers are encouraged to drag their daughters to the gates of the city and stone them to death.
If they suspect that their wives may have been unfaithful, husbands are instructed to poison them and when the flesh rots and the women die then their guilt is proven.
Converts to this obscene cult must stone to death anyone seen working on a particular day of the week, as well as anyone who worships any god other than their own hideous deity.
The "Lord" is described in their manuscripts as a "man of war" and the description is apt because under its influence devotees of the cult have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent people -- men, women, children and babies. Their perpetual boast is that they allow none to survive.
Then they slaughter and burn all the animals because their god savours the fragrance of burning flesh. Anything other than total obedience to the wishes of this wrathful deity results in the most apalling punishments. For looking inside an alleged "holy" box the the Lord murdered thousands of faithful men and inflicted thousands more with haemorrhoids. For the most insignificant of misdemeanors this ghastly deity strikes its followers with plagues, floods, fire, droughts, famines and every sickness known to man.
The monster boasts that it has driven its followers mad with disease and so stricken with hunger that they are forced to eat their own children. When they are not eating their children the filthy beast makes them eat "the dung that cometh out of man".

And be warned, it's coming to a centre near you!
It may reach you initially in a watered down version called "son of god" but don't be fooled. Beneath its warm outward personna lurks a venomous snake. Son of god is an extreme racist who condones slavery and who refuses to help sick children whose parents don't conform. Son of god encourages his follows to mutilate themselves in a most horrible manner -- severing their hands and plucking out their eyes. Men he advises to castrate themselves.
He boasts that he has come to tear families apart and replace love with hatred, that he has come not to bring peace but a sword, that he yearns to see the world in flames and that when he returns he will cast everyone who hasn't lived within strict moral guidelines -- impossible guidelines -- into the lake of burning fire.
Son of god is in fact the God of Hell!
If this cult catches on and people worldwide start worshipping these two hideous deities there will be ongoing torture, slavery, cruelty to women and children, murders and dreadful withering wars resulting in the ultimate war -- a nuclear, chemical and biological war which will destroy all life on planet Earth.
You have been warned, have nothing whatsoever to do with these two diabolical deities!